About Me

Hi I'm Erin! I'm an aspiring fashion photographer with a love of small animals and travel. My best friend and long-term partner Dan is my biggest encouragement and provides constant support for all of my goals big and small. 2012 feels like my changing year. I'm redecoration, starting a new college course, renewing my wardrobe, and planning a makeover for myself this summer. Part of that makeover includes dropping a stone before the summer! After a typical student junk-diet I now weigh 9 stone - as a barely 5ft2 petite 9 stone is close to overweight! So now I want to bring back my old figure and get in shape! My goal is to weigh 8 stone by the summer! Bring on 2012! :D

Tuesday 27 March 2012


Too much to do this week! It's all been so hectic trying to finish off the website, spend time with the hams, work, write a dozen different essays! Sooooo stressed >.<

I did manage to buy myself a work out DVD with over 6 hours of work outs on it and then bought myself an exercise ball to use with it only to discover my computer doesn't run DVDs........ there are also no other DVD players in a usable room -.-

The stress is getting a bit much and I keep forgetting to do things too! Plus I've over spent this month :( Ho hum, I could do with a few days off from life.

Monday 19 March 2012

Danny's Delights! (aka Mr Bobtails Bakery)

Well Dan is finally getting a move on with his ambition of becoming a baker, we've subscribed to the new Cake Decorating magazine for him so that he can collect the free gifts and get a few more handy tips in preparation for his culinary course that starts this Autumn. I'm so proud of him taking such a strong interest in baking as he is one of those men who seems to find it difficult to really get stuck into a hobby. Fingers crossed for him that this goes really well over the next couple of years! :D As a bit of motivation he has also set up a new YouTube channel under the name Danny's Delights but he isn't uploading videos until he starts getting the hang of baking :) I hope the YT channel will help edge him on more and that his eventual subscribers will be very supporting and edge him forwards towards his goals. :)

As for my goals, well I lost another 1.5lb so although not as much as I would have liked at least I'm still losing weight! Planning on doing an hour of swimming every Monday now as well as the 3 gym trips every week so I hope the weight loss speeds up a little and my abs start showing again. Mind you I already feel much smaller around the waist line and it feels great! :D

Saturday 17 March 2012

Danni the Kat

Well the websites new design is coming along great. Just a few more changes to make, some products to list and then we will be ready for launch day which Im hoping will be April 1st. I got so bored of the old design that I decided to leave webhost Weebly and Joined up with Moonfruit insted, their templates are much nicer :)

I have since spent the whole evening creating teeny tiny cupcake earrings which will be sold on the new site and the usual cupcakes that I have been making for the last 2 years will now only be available as necklaces and charms. Anywho enough on that, Im just waiting for the cupcakes to finish cooking so that I can glaze them and go to bed *yawn* night all!

Monday 12 March 2012

Take That Fat Cells!

Muhahaha I'm feeling evil this evening! Mostly because I weighed myself today and I have lost 4lb in 2 weeks! :D I have 8lb left until I hit my goal weight and 4 weeks left to do it in so I really need to step up my game now!
Went to the gym today with Dan and while he was being lazy I burnt 200kcal on the treadmill and 250kcal on weights. I've also managed 100 stomach crunches today which is great but I'm on the look out for a quicker abdominal muscle building routine which I can make a permanent part of my life style :)

Tomorrow morning I will be doing 30 minutes of Yoga and then 2 more hours in the gym in the afternoon before heading off to pick up that fish tank I have been so excited about! For those who follow my YouTube Channel - ErinsHamsters - you will see the tank on my videos tomorrow ;)

Night all! xx

Sunday 11 March 2012

4 Eyed Lazy Person!

I picked up my new reading glasses yesterday - designer might I add *looks smug* - and I am amazed at how much better than my old ones they are! I can actually see things! However it seems I didn't need to use my eyes today as I didn't wake up until 1.30pm... There goes my day!
 I was supposed to be picking up a glass tank, finishing my Anti-Child Abuse campaign posters to be handed in to the head of my media course tomorrow as well as the storyboard to my advert, doing a full clean of the room and finishing a page on my website. It's safe to say I have done nothing today as so far the best I have managed to do is eat one bowl of Weetabix and spend the rest of the day wishing I had pizza!

I'm making sure I fit in a few stomach crunches before bed but all in all its been a pretty non-existent day :/

Friday 9 March 2012

Feeling Bloated

Despite being on this diet for 3 weeks now I am feeling very bloated around the waistline. I'm also feeling bad because I haven't been to the gym all week -.- I wish that I had the motivation to do extreme exercise! Just one more day of work this week and then I'm off until Thursday so I will hopefully be able to fit in some gym trips with my better-half though to be honest, he is just as lazy ;) x

Thursday 8 March 2012

Bad Day

I don't know whether its the diet or not but I have felt awful today, to make it worse my day itself was rubbish :( Lots of things going wrong in work this evening and I came home feeling like hell. Time to get in my PJs, get under my duvet and snuggle down for a well deserved nights sleep. -.-zzZ

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Sugar Free Hallucinations!

Ahh its been a bad morning! I had a massive craving for white bread today as well as a continuous craving for fish fingers... of course fish fingers aren't on my band food list however there appears to be not a single one in my freezer despite having seen some just yesterday -.- I'm so low on sugar I'm hallucinating!
In work today we also got a huge batch of diabetic chocolate for stock and I unfortunately had to price up and shelve these delicious smelling, 0% sugar delights. Cravings much! D:

I've gone all out on the carbs today though, porridge and raisins for breakfast, pasta and cheese for lunch and now I'm having a vegetarian Toad-in-the-hole for my tea with a couple of small Aunt Bessie's mid-week roasties and some vegetarian gravy. This whole "only eating when I'm hungry" thing seems to have made my body a little weaker as it gets used to it since I only seem to be hungry once a day! O.O Emotional eating really does creep up on you!

Anyway, I've allowed myself to have a 'weak day', on this day I am allowed one lolly-pop to keep my sugar levels in existence and I'm allowed craved foods/carbs that are not on the banned food list because otherwise I fear I may go mad, break into Tesco's and eat the nearest staff member.

Erin x

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Zumba My Tubby Arse Off!

Well after a bit of hunting around I found some free 60 minute Zumba videos so I'm going to give them a try now! I'm all kitted out in my gym clothes and ready to burn off that oversized plate of couscous from this afternoon! Let's try getting into the habbit of doing this a few times a week now :P

Here's today's workout!

Wish me luck! xx

Monday 5 March 2012

Third Week of The Lent Diet!

Tomorrow marks the start of my 3rd week in my yearly lent 'diet'. So called this as I take the Christian celebration of lent (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lent) which lasts 40days, stretch it out a bit more and use it to help me eat healthier!
Each year I typically give up chocolate, crisps, biscuits etc. but this year I have taken it much further.
My list of banned foods are as follows;
- Any Chocolate
- Crisps
- Any Biscuits
- Any Dessert
- Pizza
- Chips
- Bread
- Fruit-Squash Drinks (Juices are allowed)
- Fizzy Drinks
- Sugary Cereals

I see this as the 'introductory' diet as it is similar to a detox diet. From Ash Wednesday (2 weeks ago) until Easter Sunday (nearly 5 weeks from now) I cannot eat any of these foods or anything that contains them. The reason I chose these foods in particular is because they are my most gorged on foods. After lent I will be on a more permanent diet which includes the above items but in smaller portions and less often. No more binge eating!