About Me

Hi I'm Erin! I'm an aspiring fashion photographer with a love of small animals and travel. My best friend and long-term partner Dan is my biggest encouragement and provides constant support for all of my goals big and small. 2012 feels like my changing year. I'm redecoration, starting a new college course, renewing my wardrobe, and planning a makeover for myself this summer. Part of that makeover includes dropping a stone before the summer! After a typical student junk-diet I now weigh 9 stone - as a barely 5ft2 petite 9 stone is close to overweight! So now I want to bring back my old figure and get in shape! My goal is to weigh 8 stone by the summer! Bring on 2012! :D

Thursday 5 April 2012

The Mayans Screwed Me Over!

Hmm... ok so as far as the weight loss goes I have no idea how much I weigh right now! I know I have lost more weight since I fit into my denim shorts finally (summer here I come) but I have been so tired this week I haven't bothered to go to the gym at all or weigh myself. I did go swimming on Monday but I fear consistency is key when it comes to exercise.

Anywho! To make up for that guilty feeling Me and the D man are redecorating our room. A new bed, new deco, new cages for the hams, new everything! I'm needing a serious de-clutter as part of my "2012 life makeover" so the room is going to be minimal themed. Basically no clutter, just a few eye catching bits of furniture. All boxes, trinkets, dust gatherers etc will be packed into the attic... simply put, I'm moving into Ikea!

Mind you all of this has made me think. After all of this hard work to lose weight, money spent on decorating and new clothes, all the time an effort I will be putting into this 'life changing year'... if it does turn out that the world ends this December I will be seriously miffed!